My first thought is not 'YEAH' when a trial or trouble comes into my life. My first thought is, "How will I get through this?" After the shock, I immediately go to God and ask for help. God is my strength, but I've also developed five practical ways to help me persevere during difficult times.
MUSIC: Music can soothe, uplift and calm your soul. Whenever King Saul was distressed, David would play music to soothe him. Get a playlist or an album that will saturate your soul.
FRIENDS: Be careful who is speaking into your life! Please stay away from friends who think they have all the answers! Job had three friends who misled him and a wife telling him the curse God and die. Look for wise people who can encourage and pray for you.
JOURNAL: Journaling can become your prayer to God. Release your words and thoughts onto paper. God already knows your heart, but the practice of journaling is an emotional release for you. The book of Psalms is David's journal – one minute, he is mourning, and the next, he praises God. You do not have to show anyone your journal; you can always throw away the journal.
BIBLE: Many people in the Bible went through difficult times in their lives and didn’t give up. The priest thought Hannah was drunk when he saw her in the temple. Instead, she was a troubled woman desperately praying to God. Just because the Bible records their stories – beginning, middle, and end, they did not get the whole picture. They were just like you – enduring difficult times.
PROMISES: God makes concrete promises to every person. Claim and cling to those promises! If you are a visual person, write and display the promises where you see them every day. Memorize them. Say them. Use them as a source of daily strength to you.
“God will never change” (Hebrews 13:508)
“If you need wisdom, ask, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5)
“He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it in you.” (Philippians 1:15)
“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of glory God promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12)
Friends, I pray these practices help you persevere whatever life throws at you. God has a plan for your life and will never leave you alone to figure it all out. If you need wisdom, ask God. If you need knowledge, ask God. If you need discernment, ask God. Hang on to God as you walk through the tough times. Pour out your heart to Him. Not only does he want to hear from you, He’s waiting for you.
“If you remain faithful to Him, the more faithful He will remain to you.”